2011 Christopher A. Sims (b. 1942)

Sims has published numerous important papers in his areas of research: econometrics and macroeconomic theory and policy. Among other things, he was one of the main promoters of the use of vector autoregression in empirical macroeconomics. He has also advocated Bayesian statistics, arguing for its power in formulating and evaluating economic policies.
Sims has been an outspoken opponent of the rational expectations revolution in macroeconomics, arguing that it should be thought of as a "cautionary footnote" to econometric policy analysis, rather than "a deep objection to its foundations."[6] He has been similarly skeptical of the value of real business cycle models.[7]
He also helped develop the fiscal theory of the price level and the theory of rational inattention.
Sims earned his A.B. in mathematics from Harvard University magna cum laude in 1963 and his PhD in Economics from Harvard in 1968. He has held teaching positions at Harvard, University of MinnesotaYale University and, since 1999, Princeton. Sims is a Fellow of the Econometric Society (since 1974),[5] a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (since 1988) and a member of the National Academy of Sciences (since 1989). In 1995 he was president of the Econometric Society; in 2012, he was president of the American Economic Association.
Harvard College, September 1959 - June 1963, B.A.in Mathematics, magna cum laude University of California-Berkeley, September 1963 - June 1964 Harvard University, February 1968, Ph.D., Economics

econometric theory for dynamic models; macroeconomic theory and policy

John F. Sherrerd ‘52 University Professor of Economics, Princeton University, 2012-
HaroldH.Helm’20ProfessorofEconomicsandBanking, PrincetonUniversity, 
2004-2012 Professor of Economics, Princeton University, 
1999- Henry Ford II Professor of Economics, Yale University, 
1990-99 Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota, 
1974-90 Associate Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota, 
Assistant Professor of Economics, Harvard University, 
Instructor in Economics, Harvard University, 1967-1968 

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